Same-Day Sciatica Pain Treatment In Englewood
Fast, Effective Sciatica Relief
Sciatica is caused by compression on the sciatic nerve and the pain can be excruciating. The low back pain that radiates down the back of the leg can be debilitating. At Teague Chiropractic, we understand how discouraging it can be to complete even the simplest of daily tasks with this pain and we are here to alleviate your sciatica. We are proud to offer same-day appointments, have convenient hours, and accept insurance, including medicare and medicaid.
We can see you today – Call (937) 836-1000 or book an appointment online now!
Sciatica Pain Relief Without Surgery
At Teague Chiropractic, we offer the most effective chiropractic techniques to help relieve your sciatic nerve pain quickly. Dr. Teague will work with you one-on-one to establish a customized treatment plan. The first priority is to get you the pain relief you need fast, with a long-term plan to heal the underlying cause of your sciatica pain.
You don’t have to live in pain – Call (937) 836-1000 or book an appointment online now!
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